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M.A.R-T>Y. Micro Protocol Specification v1

Version 1 of the specification document for the M.A.R-T>Y. Micro Protocol.

Quality Status: Release

Functionality Status: Iterative

M.A.R-T>Y. Micro Protocol (MuP) is an endpoint-based request/response RPC protocol for small-ish interlinked systems. The little brother of the M.A.R-T>Y. Middleware Protocol (MMP), it shares some basic structure with some differences to tailor it to more unsophisticated systems. For example, since MMP operates on UNIX hosts error detection does not need to be on its layer. MuP might run on embedded systems over UART, where error detection would be nice.

A MuP packet consists of a header and a variable number of payloads. Whether a message can have payloads is determined by its type - if a packet has payloads CRC32 is placed in the header. The header is 5 bytes long if a message type has no payloads, or 9 bytes long if it does to include CRC32. The first 5 bytes of the header are always the same - a type (1 byte), argument (1 byte), version (1 byte) and size (2 bytes).

Like MMP, MuP delimits its payloads with the 0xFE character and terminates its packet with the 0xFF character. Terminators in this manner were chosen to give payloads a similar workflow in C to strings which are terminated with the NULL character 0x00. This means the entire ASCII range can be used as payloads, though for arbitrary integers you should choose an encoding strategy. The size field was added as another data mismatch detection method, and the argument field has been reduced from 2 bytes to 1 byte.

Unlike MMP, there are no 'targets' supported; this is not a multi-client protocol. There is expected to be only a single connection partner, or a 'master' coordinating messaging on the application level.

The CRC algorithm used in the reference implementation 'libmup' is CRC-32/ISO-HDLC based on polynomial 0x04C11DB7. Theoretically you could use a CRC16 algorithm instead and leave the highest 2 bytes blank. 'API' type response messages are defined by this protocol and serializable in the reference implementation but it is left to the application designer to send them appropriately.

Multi-byte integers (like the size and CRC fields) are Big Endian.

MAX PACKET SIZE (configurable): 2048 bytes
MIN PACKET SIZE WITHOUT CRC (header + packet term): 6 bytes
MIN PACKET SIZE WITH CRC (header + crc + packet term): 12 bytes


MuP Packet example with no CRC. MuP Packet example with CRC and payloads.


Type Description Byte Payloads
UNSET No action, used internally by libraries as a NULL type. 0x00 == 0
INIT Initialise a session with partner. Sends its name as a payload. 0x01 == 1
BAD Notify partner they sent an invalid message. 0x02 == 0
CONTERM Notify partner I'm terminating the connection. 0x03 == 0
SONAR Ping the partner to see if they respond (heartbeat). 0x04 == 0
SEND Send a request to the partner, this makes the request part of the API layer. 0x05 >= 1
API Notify partner about the status of their API request - making the response component. 0x06 == 0



Argument Description Byte
UNSET No action, used internally by libraries as a NULL type. 0x00


Argument Description Byte
INIT Partner requests initialisation. 0x01
ACCEPT Partner accepts initialisation. 0x02
REJECT Partner rejects initialisation. 0x03


Argument Description Byte
TYPE Type of last message was invalid. 0x01
PACK_LEN Length of last packet was too big, too small or didn't match the header. 0x02
ARG Argument of last message was invalid. 0x03
PAYL A value in one of the payloads was invalid. 0x04
PAYL_COUNT Payload count did not align with type. 0x05
VERSION Version mismatch between my protocol version and partner's. 0x0A
CRC Calculated CRC did not match the received CRC. 0x0B
INTERN_ERR Partner experienced an unspecified internal error. 0x0C


Argument Description Byte
CLEAN Partner requests clean disconnect. 0x01
SPAM Partner is closing the connection due to high frequency of messages (up to user to implement). 0x02
MANY_BAD Partner is closing the connection due to too many invalid messages (up to user to implement). 0x03


Argument Description Byte
PING Partner wants to see if we're up. 0x00
PONG We respond and tell the partner we're alive. 0x01


Argument Description Byte
DIRECT Partner sends a 'direct' API message to me, in MuP currently the only API message. 0x01


Argument Description Byte
SUCCESS Partner informs the API request was successful. 0x01
BUSY Partner informs it is too busy to complete the API request. 0x03
RANGE Partner informs value(s) in the payload was out of range for this endpoint (e.g. it might be ASCII only). 0x04
ENDPOINT Partner informs the requested endpoint was out of range. 0x05
VALUE Partner informs one or more entire payloads were made up of invalid characters. 0x06
COUNT Partner informs the payload count sent does not match its endpoint config. 0x07
EXEC Partner informs that while the request was technically valid, an error occurred in executing it. 0x0A
